«10 years ago, their wedding surprised everyone»: this is how the strangest couple in the world lives

There was a range of hypotheses on how the marriage may fare in the future.

Ten years ago, no one would doubt the statement of the young groom and groom that they «opened each other».

At the wedding ceremony and in other places they both seemed so unusual.

Not all readers were able to see photos from the wedding of this intriguing couple ten years ago.

That is why we present them, even if at that time they were widely discussed on the Internet.

You would not be mistaken if you suggested that most ads at that time were unfavorable.

Even random was a little stunned by an unofficial couple when they gave them a sharp assessment.

Naturally, there were many hypotheses about how the fate of this unique marriage would develop in the future.

In fact, they are the parents of two children and almost do not stand out against the background of most of their classmates.

Only her husband’s long hair remained the same, and the former «strangeness» of the girl disappeared.

This family is also one example of how the choice of profession and environment, and not the opinion of others, can make you happy.

The appearance has nothing to do with happiness.

Happiness in the soul of man.

Happiness is priceless. Be happy in the soul.

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