Stunning appearance: the fairytale eyes of this wonderful snow-white cat really amaze everyone
Here is the wonderful cat, which became star of the Internet due to her eyes.
Nowadays, not only talented adults and children can become stars, but also their favorites. But animals don’t need to dance, sing or do tricks to be remembered and become real celebrities.
It is enough for them to have a beautiful face, an enterprising owner who will find the right moment to post a photo of his pet.
Be sure to pay attention to the charming cat Kobe, who almost instantly became a star. But the fact is that you have seen such pets only in children’s books.
Kobe is a British Shorthair known for her white coat and incredibly dark blue eyes. At the moment, there are more than 300 thousand subscribers on her Instagram page, each of whom dreams of the same beautiful cat.
But Kobe attracts a huge audience not only with her beautiful face, but also with her charisma.
Agree, it seems that Kobe is not a living cat, but just a fairy-tale character drawn by a very talented artist. But in fact, this beauty really exists.