Beautiful story: this brave dog took care of his family by chasing a mountain lion

 Beautiful story: this brave dog took care of his family by chasing a mountain lion

Luckily, the dog was rescued by the family he was trying to protect and survived.

After the “giant mountain lion” broke into the house, the brave dog risked his life to protect his people. Rocky, a fearless dog, was tough as a rock and did not hold back when he came face to face with a terrible wild cat.

Unfortunately, the dog paid a high price, as it was badly injured during an encounter with a dangerous beast. Luckily, Rocky was subsequently rescued by the family he was trying to protect and survived.

Mary Padres of La Verne, California, came out to check after hearing the furious squeals of the two family dogs. However, the woman was stunned when she discovered a mountain lion in her garden. The wild animal ignored the two dogs until Rocky, the younger of the two, began to chase him off the ground.

“I panicked as soon as I saw him”, the woman told ABC7, and screamed: “Mountain lion!”

Rocky continued to chase the mountain lion up the slope next to their house, demonstrating that you don’t have to be a hero just because you’re huge.

Rocky’s incredible courage allowed the cat to burrow into the undergrowth, but as a result, the dog received several serious injuries.

The brave dog was taken to the hospital and is now safe, although he needed almost 300 stitches to heal his wounds. The whole family is in awe of their dog, who was willing to sacrifice his job to protect others.

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