Now this girl is thin almost 4 times: minus 200 kilograms and she is no longer recognized

 Now this girl is thin almost 4 times: minus 200 kilograms and she is no longer recognized

The girl says that since childhood she loved to eat and never hesitate to ask yet.

You know, it often happens that a person constantly complains of excess weight.

But absolutely nothing does nothing to get rid of it, but simply continues to sit on the couch and chew a sandwich.

This is exactly what happened with today’s heroine named Nikki Webster.

And when she began problems with classmates at school, she «sat down» for sweets, she was able to get rid of stress.

Parents, however, believed that it was temporary, and the girl would grow up, the hormonal background would change and everything would be in order.

But that did not happen. And at 34 years old, Nikki’s weight reached almost 300 kg!

For help, she turned to the program «I weigh 300 kg», where professionals help participants get rid of excess weight.

The girl was offered to undergo an operation to reduce the abdomen, but for this she needed to drop at least 20 kg.

Exactly 3 months passed.

Nikki was very worried that after the operation her craving for food would not go away and that she would begin to gain lost kilograms.

But working with psychologists, food discipline led to the fact that she lost 100 kilograms and connected physical activity.

To this day, Nikki Webster is unrecognizable.

Now it weighs 90 kilograms.

But this is not the limit, she eats well and does not regret herself in the gym at all.

Such a transformation not only increased her self -confidence, improved health, but also helped to establish personal life.

Nikki has a beloved husband and many plans for a great future.

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