«Birthmark was the highlight of this girl»: this pretty girl changed the standards of beauty with her birthmark

 «Birthmark was the highlight of this girl»: this pretty girl changed the standards of beauty with her birthmark

People with unique look and features change these standards.

As a rule, beauty standards are created on the requested forms and criteria of fashion and beauty specialists.

However, sometimes people and some phenomena with unique look and features change these standards.

Proof of this is the story of this charming and cute unique model named Marian Mendes.

Many years ago, she immediately attracted the general attention of her rare large mole in the center of the face.

A special mark did not affect its natural beauty, and fashion experts instantly «caught» its uniqueness.

Mariana participates in various television shows and fashion events to inspire the public that there is no ideal in real life.

She is a young and brave woman, one of those who have made changes in this area.

Mariana is an example that for women there are no standards that need to cherish themselves to look more beautiful.

As she claims, every woman is naturally magnificent in her own way.

However, she also admits that she had an unpleasant childhood.

The beautiful model had to overcome the difficult period of work on themselves, since peers often laughed at it.

Moreover, even passers-by or strangers, giving it to her unpleasant compliments, make her feel useless and ugly.

However, thanks to these people, she gathered all her strength and courage to turn into a strong and confident model.

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