Jade from «The Clone» showed herself 20 years later!: This is how years have changed Giovanna Antonelli

 Jade from «The Clone» showed herself 20 years later!: This is how years have changed Giovanna Antonelli

Do you remember Jade from «The Clone»?🧐 The fans were surprised to see what their favorite actress Giovanna Antonelli looks like today! 😲🤭

This iconic actress has already celebrated her 47th birthday. Many have been wondering what their favorite Jade looks like now, over 20 years after the release of the hit series. The film star proves that even at 47 a woman can look amazing.

Although there is no question that she is still unearthly beautiful and attractive, some hold the opinion that many women her age look much better. People on social media had mixed opinions and rushed to comment on her present look.

«What athletic legs she has!», «How can one look this amazing at 47?», «Please share your secrets to beauty with us!», «All this is due to her efforts and hard work!», «To have a body like this is nothing but a dream for many 20-year-olds».

«Why is she showing off her half-bare body? Another attention seeker..», «Don’t you know what ageing is? Your beauty seems to be out of time», «She still has no equals in the industry», «Stop the criticism! No one is getting younger».

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