«With caries and holding a cigarette in her hand!»: The scandalous photos of Kate Moss made a splash

 «With caries and holding a cigarette in her hand!»: The scandalous photos of Kate Moss made a splash

This is what bad habits have done to the iconic supermodel!😢The fans hardly recognized Kate Moss in these scandalous paparazzi photos! 😬🫢

The noticeably aged appearance of the former supermodel has become the subject of heated discussions. Believe it or not, the iconic model has already turned 49. The new «honest» paparazzi photos immediately caused a stir.

The recent scandalous photos revealed the former legendary model whose appearance left a lot to be desired. She seemed to have noticeably aged and lost her charm. She was caught with a cigarette in her hand and in a rather unkempt look.


The «honest» photos show what bad habits have done to this legendary celebrity. The fans could find no words since they were not ready to see her wrinkled face. The state of her teeth left a lot to be desired as well.

«She can’t even stand next to Bellucci and Lopez!», «This is what bad habits have done to our favorite model!», «Time is merciless», «How is it even possible to look at this without tears?», «She completely let herself go».


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