«She stopped pretending!» Jodie Foster gets candid about embracing natural ageing and returning to her 20s

 «She stopped pretending!» Jodie Foster gets candid about embracing natural ageing and returning to her 20s

«20s are fraught with uncertainties and anxieties. Women in their fifties are undeniably more captivating»!👏 The actress relishes her age and doesn’t pretend to be someone she is not! 🥰 Paparazzi took surprising photos of her which you can see in this article! 👇👇👇

However unbelievable it may seem, Jodie Foster has celebrated her 61th birthday and already some signs of ageing are obviously seen. The outstanding actress, however, is for natural ageing and has had no plastic surgery at all.

One thing has become quite clear: the film star looks even better with no makeup and glamorous dresses. In casual clothing and with no cosmetics on, her face seems a lot younger and she looks fresher. This may be proved by the latest photos.

Camera lenses have captured the film star shopping with her son in New York City. A number of network users were quick to shower her with lots of compliments sincerely admiring her timeless beauty.

«I wouldn’t trade my age with anything, not even to return to my 20s. That age is fraught with uncertainties and anxieties, something not worth reliving. Women in their fifties are undeniably more captivating than those in their 20s».

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