«What a surprise!» Kim Kardashian’s 9-year-old daughter gave her a luxurious surprise and left fans perplexed

 «What a surprise!» Kim Kardashian’s 9-year-old daughter gave her a luxurious surprise and left fans perplexed

«9-year-old girl couldn’t possibly organize such a thing!»👩‍👧🥳Kim’s fans criticized her daughter and generally doubted the plausibility of such a surprise🤨🙌What she did for mom you can see here👇

Over time, Kardashian-Jenner genetic traits are becoming more prominent among the new generation.

Before the Met Gala, Kim’s nine-year-old daughter North West decided to surprise her mother. She arranged a luxurious evening for her mother. The room had three luxurious massage couches decorated with white rose petals and dozens of candles. The sign on the wall read: «Karl Lagerfeld Met Gala», which went with the theme of this year’s ball.

The proud mom couldn’t help but be delighted and decided to share it with her followers: «North gave me this evening so that I could relax before going to the ball. The massage before the big day is great»․
However, many fans expressed criticism about the surprise of the famous daughter. They doubted that North had arranged all this. «She’s only 9 years old. She wouldn’t be able to organize this», they wrote.

«Perhaps her assistant is also named North?», wrote one netizen. «The girl could just throw petals all over the floor», joked another. Many have accused Kim of allowing her little daughter to play with fire.

However, loyal fans of the family noted that maybe North asked the hotel staff to organize such an evening for her mother. Ultimately, the Kardashian heiress must get used to the fact that there will always be critics among her loyal fans.

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