«The beauty has turned 70!» How Veronica Castro has changed through years became the subject of discussions

 «The beauty has turned 70!» How Veronica Castro has changed through years became the subject of discussions

Do you remember the beauty from «Wild Rose»?🧐 The actress who stole the viewers’ hearts is not the same! 💘➡️💔 This is what multiple facial enhancements have done to the iconic actress! 💉👩‍🔬 The Mexican star is unrecognizable now whose recent photos can be found in this article! 👇

Previously, many Mexican films and series were widely popular. Whole families gathered together and impatiently waited for the coming episodes. One of those loved ones was «Wild Rose» the lead actress of which captivated millions of viewers.

Her unearthly charm and unique allure were beyond and hardly anyone could resist and not to fall in love with her. Many would admit that they pleasantly watched the series only due to iconic actress Veronica Castro. This role brought her acting career into a whole new level.

However surprising it may seem, the Mexican cinema legend is already 70 and appears totally unrecognizable today. She «got interested in» beauty enhancements and has undergone a plenty of surgeries which have drastically changed her appearance.

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