«Real Hachiko is here!» Exclusive photos of the dog waiting for his owner leave everyone heartbroken

 «Real Hachiko is here!» Exclusive photos of the dog waiting for his owner leave everyone heartbroken

This film broke the hearts of millions, but not everyone knows that it was based on a true story! 💔😭Here are exclusive photos of the famous dog waiting for the man! 📷🧐 How patient and faithful he was! 🤧😫See the rare pictures in this article and try not to shed a tear! 👇

Most of you have watched this film that touched everyone and left a forever mark. However, far not all the viewers are aware of the fact that the dog was actually real and the movie was based on a true story.

He was adopted by professor named Hidesaburo Ueno. The small family lived in Tokyo and he would wait for him every day. One day, he simply didn’t come since he passed away but the dog kept waiting for him.

It was in 1925 that his owner was no more leaving his poor pet all alone. Soon, the whole world started to talk about Hachi and all the articles started to write about him.

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