«A bald-headed fattie!» Exclusive photos of Jackson’s wife became the topic of discussions

 «A bald-headed fattie!» Exclusive photos of Jackson’s wife became the topic of discussions

Jackson would not believe his eyes if he saw his kids’ mother years later! 🫣😳 The way Deborah Jeanne Rowe has changed is something no one is ready for! 🫢😬 See what she looks like now in this article! 👇👇👇

Jackson’s union with an ordinary nurse raised many questions. As Deborah shared later, they actually were not in love and their marriage was more like a contract. Rowe became the mother of the kids of the King of Pop and was definitely proud of that.

The future couple first met each other in a hospital. Rowe used to be an assistant for a dermatologist, while Jackson came for the treatment for vitiligo. As Michael’s partner was against having children, Rowe offered her help and Jackson was quick to agree.

As she shared, that was something like a gift since she wanted to give Michael joy and happiness. They illegitimated their relationship in 1996. In 1997 she gave birth to their son and in a year they had a daughter.


After their divorce, it was Michael who took care of their children more than Rowe did. The woman luckily got 8 million dollars and a house in Beverly Hills from Jackson.

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