A beautiful marine world: these unique panda-like vaquitas are rare, there are only 10 of them in the world
There are only 10 vaquitas left in the world, putting their future in jeopardy.
The world is in danger of losing another important species: according to the latest estimates, there are only 10 vaquitas left in the wild.
The population of this tiny harbor porpoise, found in the northern Gulf of California, has actually declined from 600 in 1997 to 30 in 2017, making it an endangered species.
Rumors are now circulating that there are only 10 Vaquits left, jeopardizing their future.
The vaquita, also called Phocoena sinus, is a small guinea pig that can grow up to 5 feet in length and weigh up to 120 pounds.
This is especially remarkable because the vaquita is the only pig species that can withstand cold water. For all other species, the water must be colder than 68°F.
They are often affectionately called “sea pandas” because of the black rings around their eyes.
Fishermen do not hunt the vaquita aggressively, unlike the white rhino, which is nearly extinct due to poaching.
Unfortunately, however, this marine species has become extinct in Mexico due to traditional fishing methods.
The problem is that fishermen are catching the totoaba, which is an endangered species of fish.
Considered a delicacy in China, totoaba can fetch up to $50,000 on the black market.