A caring girl taught her smart dog to speak, and she already says 40 words

The device with which Stella learned to «speak» is a panel with sound buttons.

Christina Hanger-Professional Speech therapist and the owner of a dog named Stella.

Surprisingly, Christine managed to teach Stell to speak. In this, she was helped by a special device with buttons on which various words and phrases are written.

Of course, it was not easy to study. In order for the dog to remember the words and get used to the device, Christine and her boyfriend Jake had to spend 16 months on it.

By this time, Stella could already reproduce 29 words, and a year later the couple managed to teach the dog another 11 teams.

The device with which Stella learned to «speak» is a panel with sound buttons. For each of these buttons, a certain team is assigned, for example, «play», «eat», «walk» and so on. To express some desire or feeling, the dog must click on the corresponding button.

In order for Stella to learn to understand the mechanism of this device, the hostess did the following: every time Christina fed the dog, she pressed the «food» button, and before going to the walk-cap «walk».

She did the same with other orders. Of course, Christina always used the panel in front of the dog so that she understood how she was working. Over time, the girl began to teach the dog to press the buttons.

Now Stella copes with the device perfectly and expresses her emotions by pressing the buttons. In addition, she understands the words of the hosts and reacts to them with the help of the remote control.

There are even whole dialogs between the dog and the owners. For example, when Stella wants to take a walk, she presses the corresponding button. Hearing Christina’s approval, the dog presses the «happy» button.

Christina Hanger is very glad that we crowned her experiment with a success, but did not intend to stop there.

Now she plans to continue Stella’s training, and in the future to prepare special courses for other dogs.

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