A cute mother cheetah gave birth to unusual cubs and surprised the employees of the Columbus Zoo

 A cute mother cheetah gave birth to unusual cubs and surprised the employees of the Columbus Zoo

This event was reported on the website of the zoo.

In the zoo and the Columbus Aquarium, biologists have achieved great success. The young cheetahs were born as a result of in vitro fertilization, as well as the transfer of embryos to the body of a surrogate mother. This event was reported on the site of the zoo.

According to scientists, this event was a real breakthrough in the struggle to preserve this type of. Interestingly, the cubs born on February 19 have one mother, but different fathers. All this time this event was a secret.

This result of extracorporeal fertilization became possible thanks to close cooperation between the Columbus Zoo, Ohio, the Smithsonian National Institute of Biology and Protection of Nature (SCBI) in the front-Road, Virginia, and the wildlife reserve Fossil-Roman, Texas.

«The birth of these two babies (male and female) became possible thanks to the enormous efforts of the whole team of biologists and zoologists who worked on this scientific miracle.

Their biological mother of the cheetah named Kibibi, and the young female Isabelle (abbreviated Izzy) became a surrogate mother», said Dr. Randy Jung, vice president of the zoo.

Although Izzy became a mother for the first time, she copes with her maternal duties perfectly. On Friday, February 21, our doctors conducted the first examination of newborns. At the same time, their floor was disclosed.

Brother and sister are healthy. They are active and have good appetites, which gives them hope for a bright future.

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