A funny story: an elephant cub was spotted eating sugar cane, he hid behind a pole as if no one would see him

 A funny story: an elephant cub was spotted eating sugar cane, he hid behind a pole as if no one would see him

When the cub saw the locals, he hid behind a narrow pole, making people laugh.

About 2,000 elephants live in the wild in Thailand, one of which made headlines in all local newspapers.

In the northern Thai city of Chiang Mai, an elephant was caught on camera for the most audacious “crime” in history. The playful cub was probably eating sugar cane in the farm’s field when the locals came.

The adorable baby elephant was caught chewing sugarcane, so he tried to hide behind a narrow pole believing that no one could see him

In order not to be caught, the adorable little boy hid behind a narrow pole, making local farmers and thousands of people online laugh.

The baby elephant probably grew up on sugar cane in the field and decided to have a small but nice party.

However, he probably didn’t expect people to find him. Therefore, when this happened, the shameless little “criminal” hid behind a narrow pole, believing that no one would see him now.

The adorable baby elephant was caught chewing sugarcane, so he tried to hide behind a narrow pole believing that no one could see him

When people shone a flashlight in the direction of the suspicious habitat of the elephant, he stood still so that he would not be noticed.

Undoubtedly, this photo left hundreds of people indifferent, it gained 2.8 thousand likes and thousand reposts.

Elephants seem to love sugar cane and will do anything to enjoy it.

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