«A granny face, cellulite, and big thighs»: Lopez’s photos with no filters show what the star looks like in real life

A goddess on social media and an ordinary woman with textured skin in real life🧐

 There is probably no one who wouldn’t agree that J. Lopez is among the most in-demand and successful celebrities in Hollywood. On social media, she looks like a goddess, yet with no filters and retouching her appearance leaves a lot to be desired.

Paparazzi has shown what the renowned star actually looks like and the photos immediately went viral on the network.

«There is nothing unique here! », «Why do people consider her flawless? », «Am I the only one who only sees a granny face and big thighs? ».

«Looks even older! », «I can’t understand so much popularity around her name, there are millions like her! ».


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