A loyal dog can tell its owner that the house is on fire.
Maggie, a clever dog, made it clear to everyone that the house was on fire.
We all know that dogs are very smart and good friends for humans. They help and protect their owners in every way.
The dog in this story cleverly saved everyone as the house burned down.
One night at 3 o’clock Maggie was barking anxiously, and at that hour hearing the dog’s voice did not bode well.
Joel Rosa woke up quickly and saw that there was something unusual in the house.
Joel realized that the house was on fire. He immediately left the house and started pouring water on the fire, but he could not put out the fire. Rescuers came and started extinguishing the fire.
The fire was coming down from the roof to the house, and Joel could not understand what had caused the fire.
It was discovered that the fire was caused by lightning. The fact is that no one died.
Joel keeps saying that Maggie is his smart and intelligent dog. He said that the dog gave him a second life.