A neighbour has built a two-storey house on the boundary line with a window onto our plot. What we’ve come up with in response

 A neighbour has built a two-storey house on the boundary line with a window onto our plot. What we’ve come up with in response

A neighbor built a two-story house on the boundary line with a window onto our plot. What we came up with in response: I tell you in the article👇👇

So many people face such a problem as building on the boundary line, so we decided to share the solution to this nuisance.

Everyone knows that it is forbidden to build on the boundary line and you need to set back at least a metre when you build something on your plot, especially in the case of building a house.

And so our neighbour built a two-storey extension to his house and he did it on the boundary line. We were not really worried about it at first, until he started to build a mansard on this extension with a window on our plot. It was the window that really upset us.

When we realised what he was going to do, we first decided to talk to our neighbour, but he told us that he already had everything planned and was not going to change the design of the house just because we didn’t like the window overlooking our plot.

So we went to the local Architectural Office in our town and they told us that the neighbour was indeed breaking the law, but that there was nothing we could do as he would not remove the extension anyway. Even if we sue him and of course win, it will not bring any result, because the neighbour will not face any penalties for non-compliance with the court decision.

We had a small shed built next to our neighbour’s outbuilding and we decided to remodel it a bit, namely to make it taller and build the roof so that it would cover the window of the neighbour’s house. So there you go:

But before we started the remodelling, we warned the neighbour that we were planning to make a high roof that would block the view from his window. By the way, our shed is built according to all the rules and from the boundary line, we set back, when we built it, the right distance, although it is not a capital structure.

This is how it looks now, and we are happy with the way it turned out.

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