A very sweet story: this kitten which did not walk learned to stand up only with the help of a wonderful husky
This husky was an excellent teacher with a magical soul, which helped this kitty.
A three week old MUR-S was found by an Alaskan family in their backyard. Probably, the cat had a fight with the kittens, and his mother was frightened of something and ran away in a panic, taking the rest of the kittens with her.
MUR-S could not leave, his legs did not work.
His condition remained grave. Not only did his lower body not work, he also could not eat on his own.
And for the first few weeks he had to be fed every 2-3 hours until he started to get better.
A volunteer named Shannon offered to introduce the kitten to one of his three huskies.
Husky’s name was Sinda. So she immediately took patronage over MUR-S, and he, sensing the reliability of such protection, curled up into a ball between his front paws and purred loudly.
Rescuers at the same time found the mother along with the kittens and MUR-S was able to reunite with them.