A very touching scene: this poor koala tries to drink water from rainwater outside after the flood

Not even just people, but also wildlife, appear to be grateful for rain in Australia.

After such an endless fire, Australia finally finds peace. In New South Wales, the long-awaited rain has begun. For this, not only people are grateful, but also wild animals.

Local landlady Pamela Schramm was driving along a remote road between Crop Creek and Moray when she stumbled upon a beautiful sight.

She got out of the car to find out what was going on because the woman thought the baby would be hurt. However, upon closer inspection, she noticed that the thirsty koala was indeed licking the rain off the road.

Pamela told DailyMail Australia: “But after he took a few steps, I saw that he was fine”.

Fortunately, the woman captured the beautiful event on camera. She later used Facebook to not only share a happy scenario that she and her family spotted, but also to raise awareness.

The thirsty animal eventually turned off the road and climbed a tree.

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