Amazing and touching scene: this little boy stops the traffic to save the dog’s life

The boy came to a halt in front of oncoming traffic and took the dog into his arms.

Many people do not care about the lives of other living beings. At the same time, many people do their best to keep others safe. This is true for people of all ages.

An 11-year-old from Brazil has just shown the world that you don’t have to be a superhero to save others.

The child in question, Jean Fernandez, was walking along a busy street when he noticed a dog crying in the middle of the road.

The poor puppy was apparently hit by a car and the driver fled. The dog was left alone and suffered, there was no one to help him.

Young Jin had no time to waste. He jumped to his feet and ran to the wounded dog in the middle of the busy street.

Jean immediately stopped in front of oncoming traffic and took the animal in his arms. He then hurried to safety with the dog.

This exceptional act of generosity did not go unnoticed. Several residents took pictures of the incident on their smartphones.

Photographer Raphael Martins also captured the scene in several photos, where the boy stopped traffic to save an injured dog.

He, too, was caught at that moment. Many of his social media followers praised the child for his thoughtful gesture.

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