«And the best daddy Award goes to..» Family photos of Mark Zuckerberg with his wife and kids melt everyone’s heart

 «And the best daddy Award goes to..» Family photos of Mark Zuckerberg with his wife and kids melt everyone’s heart

It was last year that Zuckerberg and Chan welcomed their 3️⃣rd child! 😮🥰 By the way, on May 1️⃣4️⃣ the man celebrated his 4️⃣0️⃣th birthday, so let’s congratulate him together! 🎉😚 Recently, they delighted their followers with exclusive snapshots and now you all can see what his wife and kids look like in this article! 👇

There is hardly anyone who will question the identity of this legendary man. Meet Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook. It is noteworthy that on May 14 he turned 40. On such a special and remarkable occasion, his wife posted a series of moving photos and melted everyone’s hearts.

Many were wondering what the love of his life looked like and here is Priscilla Chan. In the rare family footage one can also see their absolutely adorable daughters Augusta and Maxima dressed in snow-white. The rare images of the beautiful family deeply moved everyone without an exception.

It will come as a big surprise for many to learn that one of the most successful and influential businessmen of the world spends much time on raising his daughters and prioritizing family time.

«Don’t impose your opinions or try to steer their lives in a set direction. Instead, recognize their strengths, support, and nurture their hobbies».

It should be mentioned that he even brought his two heiresses to T. Swift’s 2023 concert earning the title of one of the most devoted and caring dads in the industry.

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