Beautiful scene: the dog couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw what was behind the door

This beautiful dog and her father Austin were virtually inseparable.

Considering that at the time when this sweet German security guard named Sophie was just a little puppy, she and her father Austin were effectively inseparable.

“She loves him so much”, Ellie Ross, Sophie’s mother, told The Dodo.

However, this year, due to life situations, Sophie and Austin were forced to spend more time apart.

Austin is a member of the United State Army and got the call earlier this year for a six-month implementation. Unfortunately, this meant that his daily routine of love and fun with Sophie had to be put on hold.

It was something Sophie couldn’t understand.

“After he left, she still went into our bedroom and also looked for him,” Ross said.

Luckily, Austin didn’t leave for good.

Last month, having effectively completed his deployment, Austin may eventually return home. Ross decided to record the minute he walked up to the door to shock Sophie.

The dog’s heart is about to be whole again.

When the door opened, Sophie could hardly believe her eyes.

Sophie’s shock quickly turned into a surge of love and pleasure. It was the outward expression of what Sophie’s spirit longed to feel every day that Austin was away.

“Oh, I definitely cried!” Ross said.

Her father has returned. Their family is complete again.

With Austin back, the company is back to him, and to Sophie as well – and what a pleasure it is.

“Now that he lives, they run and travel with each other”, Ross said. “Best friends for sure”.

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