Beautiful story: shepherd could save the life of an injured owner by leading the police

 Beautiful story: shepherd could save the life of an injured owner by leading the police

This smart animal led the police to the scene of the tragedy.

The heroine of her mistress was a dog that became a victim of a car accident on a freeway on the border of the states of New Hampshire and Vermont in the United States. The animal led the police to the scene of the tragedy.

On the evening of Monday, January 3, 2022, motorists were surprised to encounter Tinsley, a one-year-old German Shepherd, who was driving alone on a highway between New Hampshire and Vermont. The scene prompted them to go to the police, according to Le Dauphiné.

When the latter arrived, they tried to grab the restless animal, but to no avail.

“They could guess that the dog was trying to show them something because it kept eluding them, but didn’t run away completely,” police officer Daniel Baldassarre told local WCVB television.

At the same time, Tinsley simply asked the local authorities to follow her. And that’s what they did.

The German Shepherd led the police to the damaged barrier. “looking down in the direction the dog was looking, they could hardly believe it,” added Daniel Baldassarre.

Indeed, officers found Cam Laundry, Tinsley’s owner, and another person thrown from their badly damaged vehicle.

The occupants were hypothermic and injured in a car accident, unlike the quadruped, which escaped unscathed.

According to the Hartford fire captain, the dog sat quietly next to his owner when he was given first aid. Fortunately, no serious injuries were noted.

“It’s amazing that she had the mind to do what she did,” said Cam Laundry, “he’s my little guardian angel”.

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