«Behind the girl in cardigans and thick glasses!» Mayim Bialik gets candid about her beauty standards

 «Behind the girl in cardigans and thick glasses!» Mayim Bialik gets candid about her beauty standards

Do you remember Amy from «The Big Bang Theory»? 🧐🤔Let’s go into detail about Bialik’s career and thoughts on cosmetic surgeries! 😮🫢 See how she appears now in this article! 👇👇👇

This actress has recently opened about today’s beauty standards and her perception of beauty during a candid interview. Media believes that many acknowledged her potential influence on body image.

She got candid and shared that if social media existed during her youth, she might have considered undergoing plastic surgeries adding that she faced teasing for her look and was advised to correspond to beauty standards and stereotypes.

Bialik shared that she often felt excluded from social events adding that millions teased her for her nose, double chin and height.

She is one of the most vivid figures who supports positive body image sharing that her appearance failed to prevent her from achieving big success and incredible career heights. Now, at her 41, she thanks her parents for having supported her no matter what.

Currently, she is in a romantic relationship with J. Cohen who was her host-producer. She emphasizes the complexity of individuals and the importance of self-acceptance.

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