Crocodiles eat a hunter who ruthlessly kills lions and elephants

 Crocodiles eat a hunter who ruthlessly kills lions and elephants

The hunter paid with his life for his actions.

There are places where according to the law they are allowed to be engaged in trophy hunting. How can people do that? Many are not in favor of this, especially when they learned what happened in 2017.

An experienced hunter by the name of Scott Van Zyl opened his company, where those who joined him participated in games.

Trophy hunter who was killing elephants and lions is eaten by crocodiles in South Africa

Once he went hunting and never came back.

He had many dogs but decided to hunt crocodiles alone.

His belongings were found near the river. Later, human body parts were removed from the water, and after a medical examination, it turned out that it was Van Zyl.

Trophy hunter who was killing elephants and lions is eaten by crocodiles in South Africa

When people found out, they said that it should be so because he took the lives of many animals.

It was decided that this type of hunting should be banned.

Trophy hunter who was killing elephants and lions is eaten by crocodiles in South Africa

We must understand that we must not harm each other in nature, we must live in peace.

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