Cute bird with a bright scarlet cap and a white belly: that’s why its bright red chest pop even more

Petroica goodenovi is a tiny sparrow bird living in Australia.

Bright scarlet or dark raspberry? Whatever color you choose, the magnificent plumage of the bird will be even more remarkable.

The red-capped robin (Petroica goodenovii) is a tiny passerine bird indigenous to Australia.

Because of its red breast, this species is known as the «pearl of the bush».

Males and females are the same in size, but the similarity ends.

The male is distinguished by a red crown and chest.

Its upper body is coal-black with white stripes on the shoulders and a black tail with white tips.

His stomach and shoulders are almost completely white, which makes raspberry breasts even more noticeable.

The female is unremarkable gray-brown with a reddish tint on her head.

The chest of some girls has a weak reddish tint.

Males and females have small black beaks, dark brown eyes and dark brown legs.

These birds come from Australia, they can be found in the more arid parts of the continent, where they live in shrubs, shrubs and open forests.

Most of the diet of Robins are insects and other tiny arthropods.

From August to January, you can successfully grow up to three broods, although this is extremely rare.

The male offers his wife the ideal places for nesting, stroking his body over potential places and continuously emitting trills.

Perhaps he will have to determine many places before she chooses a place for the nest.

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