Cute hairless rabbit: here is a unique domestic rabbit from Australia named Mr. Bigglesworth
This unique animal is completely hairless, like a sphinx cat.
A few years ago, Cassandra Hall, a resident of Australia, saw an ad on Facebook for the sale of rabbits.
Her attention was drawn to an unusual bald rabbit, but under his image was written “No wool, not for sale”.
This is a domestic rabbit from Australia named Mr. Bigglesworth. He has no fur at all. The animal is completely bald, like a sphinx cat.
Therefore, it is pink in color and looks like a toy. More than a hundred thousand users have subscribed to his page.
In a word, the bald rabbit soon found a new home and owner in the person of Cassandra Hall. By the way, the animal was given to her for free.
The rabbit was named Mr. Bigglesworth after the sphinx from the Austin Powers films.
The bald rabbit fell in love with 122 thousand fans.
But the fate of Mr. Bigglesworth could have turned out differently … Because of his genetic characteristics, the rabbit was born bald, and the man who bred the animals was ready to give it to the first comer for free.
Mr. Bigglesworth is lucky that his current lover is the one who met him. She helped the rabbit become a social media star.
Now this crowd favorite has his own blog, which is regularly updated. Bigglesworth is very interesting to watch, especially the costume changes and situations in which the animal finds itself.