Cute scene: photos of dogs and cats playing in the vet’s waiting room have won millions of hearts

Video of cat playing with dog when they first met has gone viral.

A little tense after vaccination, the dog, fortunately, could count on precious help in restoring good mood. The vet’s cat she played with like they’d known each other for ages.

A video of a cat playing with a dog when they first met went viral on Reddit, where it was posted on April 10. It is reported by Newsweek.

The scene took place in the waiting room of a veterinary clinic in the south of France. It was filmed by Esmeralda, the owner of the dog.

The last one is a female dachshund named Mango. As for the cat in the “tuxedo” dress (black and white), it belongs to the veterinarian and is called Rillettes.

Esmeralda and her family were visiting relatives at the time and took the opportunity to check on Mango and get vaccinated. The owner of the dog explains that this was the second meeting of the two animals and that the first was not so festive.

“Mango usually barks at cats, so this was really amazing”, Esmeralda told Newsweek. They had met the day before and sniffed each other a little, but nothing much happened.

The next day I went back to the vet to have Mango vaccinated against rabies and she was a little more stressed after the shot.

The practitioner then invited the dog to roam freely around the waiting room, convinced that Rillettes could distract her.

“They started playing right away”, Esmeralda says. We all stopped to film and photograph them.

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