Cute story: a fisherman saved a bear cub and the next day a bear came to him with a gift

 Cute story: a fisherman saved a bear cub and the next day a bear came to him with a gift

The man went to the middle of the threshold and pulled the bear cub ashore.

In the early summer of 1984, a fisherman noticed a bear cub that had fallen into the river. He was carried away by the current. The man without hesitation went to the middle of the threshold and pulled the bear cub ashore. The fisherman considered the incident over, but the next day a bear landed next to him. According to the recollections of the fisherman, the bite that day was very weak. The cub, apparently, was standing upstream and also tried to fish, after which he could not stand it and fell into the river.

The bear looks a little over a month old. He clearly could not resist the current, so the man moved through the rapids – it was much easier for an adult to stay in the river.

Standing on a hard bank, the cub immediately ran into the undergrowth, and the fisherman shrugged his shoulders and picked up the tackle. The next morning he returned to approximately the same place, but after a few hours he felt someone’s eyes on him.

The man turned his head and saw a large bear a few feet away. He still did not understand how to react when he suddenly saw a whole mountain of fish at his feet. After standing for a while, the bear shook his head and left, leaving his catch in gratitude for saving the baby.

Apparently, wild animals are much smarter than people think. At least the feeling of gratitude is not alien to them.

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