Cute story: a lonely stray dog could save her babies from a kennel in the river

The mother dog ran along the bank and at some point jumped into the river.

A stray dog ​​lived in an old booth by the river. At the beginning of winter, puppies Asya and Yasya were born to her. Volunteers fed the mother and babies, tried to tame the adult dog and find a home for her children.

Once again, having come to feed the animals, the volunteers did not find their booths in their usual place. The house was quite large and it would have been impossible to simply carry it away. Not only the booth disappeared, but also the children. The frightened mother dog ran along the shore, whining at the water, at some point jumped into the river.

The volunteers immediately understood what had happened to the puppies and began to worry about both the puppies and their mother.

A few seconds later, a dog appeared above the water, holding its baby in its teeth. Mom managed to pull the babies ashore, where she laid them at the girl’s feet, asking for help.

So both kids ended up in the apartment of one of the volunteers, where they were warmed, fed and surrounded by love. It was not possible to catch a shy mother that day. To pick up the dog from the street, they even hooked up a trap, but when she saw people, she jumped into the river and swam away.

Asya and Yasya have grown a lot in a year. Unfortunately, we were unable to find hosts for them in our city. No one was interested in beautiful girls and was in no hurry to give them a family. Puppies have grown up to be real beauties, they are kind and affectionate, love people and constantly smile.

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