Dolphin Irawaddi: here is the rarest species of dolphins that was found in the waters of Indonesia

Probably no one had ever seen such dolphins before and they are beautiful.

Irawaddy dolphin is one of the most intelligent and original creatures in the ocean.

They were discovered in Western Kalimantan, the provinces of the Indonesian island of Borneo, in 2012 as part of a study conducted by WWF Indonesia and the regional management, coastal and natural resources of Pontianak.

Kalimantan is known for its diverse wildlife and thick tropical forests with many rare flora and fauna.

Irawaddy dolphins, also known as Orcaella Brevirostris, are rare dolphins discovered recently. Researchers are satisfied with preliminary conclusions and hope that they will help to reveal information about the population and the spread of this unique appearance.

Albertus Tiu, WWF Nature Protection Biologist in Indonesia and Irawaddy Dolphin’s research pioneer. The study provides clear evidence of the biodiversity of Kalimantan waters, as well as the importance of protecting the habitat of dolphins, starting from the sources of rivers in the Central Borneo.

MSOP considers Irawaddy dolphins vulnerable. All over the world there are about 6,000 Irawaddy dolphins, most of which live in the coastal waters of Bangladesh. The rest are scattered around Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines and the northeastern coast of Australia, where they are listed as critically angry.

Irrawaddy dolphins, it seems, love to spit with water into their faces, swim back and show off with fat on the neck. Let’s hope that this beautiful creature will have the best habitat and it will be able to increase its population!

It’s just amazingly beautiful! We hope that for these wonderful mammals there is an extraordinary protection.

Pray for them to do everything possible to protect these beautiful dolphins!

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