«Eerie resemblance to brother is scary» Janet Jackson became a real copy of her late brother

 «Eerie resemblance to brother is scary» Janet Jackson became a real copy of her late brother

The Jackson family can’t stay away from plastic surgery!😬🫣Fans noticed that Janet changes herself with the help of plastic surgery, which doesn’t satisfy them at all💔🤨

Each of us knows very well that pop singer Michael Jackson has undergone numerous plastic surgeries. He initially had plastic surgery on his nose after he injured his nose during a dance rehearsal. Gradually, he continued the surgeries and completely changed his appearance, including changing the color of his skin.

Experts say he has undergone nearly a dozen surgeries on his lips, cheekbones, chin and eyes. We would like to remind you that in the last years of his life he always covered his face with masks․ He probably did this because he wanted to hide the consequences of numerous operations on his nose.

Now his sister Janet Jackson has apparently also begun to resort to plastic surgery. Recently at an event, fans noticed that her appearance had changed. This may have happened after a facelift or other procedures.
At 56 years old, she looks younger than her age and fans are sure that genetics cannot be the only reason for this. Some are sure that she had plastic surgery and became very similar to her brother․

Lately Janet has been talking about herself and her life. She turned 50, gave birth to a child and separated from her husband Wissam Al-Mana. She gained excess weight during pregnancy, but then lost more than 50 kilograms.

Of course, it would be better if Janet did not continue to follow in her brother’s footsteps and undergo plastic surgery. But of course the most important thing is her happiness and self-confidence.
What do you think of her appearance?

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