«Experts claim something else!» These mind-blowing details about Perry’s passing confirm the scandalous rumors

 «Experts claim something else!» These mind-blowing details about Perry’s passing confirm the scandalous rumors

What actually happened to Chandler from «Friends» and what do they hide from us? 😱🤯 Let’s go deep into detail about Matthew Perry’s passing certificate and discover the truth which can be found in this article! 👇👇👇

In less than 2 weeks after M. Perry’s passing, his death certificate was posted online. Initially, it became known that the prominent actor passed away in the hot tub of his Los Angeles mansion. There was no medicine found in his house.

Only prescribed medicine was kept in a storage room which can serve as no evidence of anything. Most people know this notable actor as Chandler from the hit series. It is no secret that he had been struggling with addiction for a long time.

However, experts don’t connect his previous using of illegal drugs with his passing since he had already overcome his addition and was 100 percent sober the moment the tragedy happened. The first supposition was that he died of a cardiac arrest.

Shortly before his passing he started taking interest in sports including badminton, ping-pong and tennis. According to reliable sources, he played sports on a regular basis, sometimes even twice a day. But on that very day he seemed fatigued.

The moment the prominent actor’s helper named Erin came home she discovered Perry breathless. Though his death certificate was revealed, the exact truth still remains unexposed.

It claims that the moment of his passing he was completely sober and what happened to him can’t be connected with his prior addiction.

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