«Fans congratulate young parents»: the popular star Daniel Radcliffe for the first time became a father

 «Fans congratulate young parents»: the popular star Daniel Radcliffe for the first time became a father

Paparazzi caught a young father while walking with the baby.😍😍

There probably is no one who did not watch «Harry Potter» and does not know the main character. Unexpected news appeared on April 25.

33-year-old Daniel Radcliffe and his 38-year-old chosen one Erin Darke became parents.

The actor himself does not love and never talks about his personal life, but the paparazzi noticed a famous actor with the baby when they walked in New York.

The stroller hid the baby’s face and it was impossible to see. But all fans are sure that the baby looks like a father.

Everyone immediately began to congratulate their beloved actor on the firstborn.

The gender of the baby is unknown, but fans undoubtedly say that they have a boy because the stroller was blue.

Some of them, by the way, are interested in whether Daniel will act in the new series or not.

He will be able to play the role of a beautiful father.

We are looking forward to any news about the series, and of course, carefully monitor Radcliffe himself. So far there is hope that he will tell about the child in an interview.

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