«For modern people this is something strange!» We are sure that none of you will guess what it really is

 «For modern people this is something strange!» We are sure that none of you will guess what it really is

«Well done, if you guessed what it is!»🧐So, if you didn’t live in the 30s, most likely you won’t know or even guess what it really is😲👍Check yourself, if you guessed correctly, in the article👇👇👇

It’s no secret that times pass and everything changes, but people, of course, cannot stop it. Everything changes around us: people, technologies, and situations. Let’s take, for example, this thing that many people don’t even know about and don’t understand why it’s needed. If you are not from the 30s, then you will not know exactly what it is.

We’re guessing you really want to know what this funny thing is. It turns out that this is a vacuum cleaner from the 1930s known as the Hercules and it is very different from modern vacuum cleaners. The Hercules vacuum cleaner was a very stylish and sophisticated machine. The vacuum cleaner was covered in crocodile skin and was an expensive purchase. Even if you understand what this item is, your children will definitely not know.

Have you even thought about who made the revolution in vacuum cleaners? James Murray Spangler, 60, lived in Canton, Ohio, and worked to perfect his design. He had the best machine because it was portable. The machine worked well and Spangler patented it in 1907 and quit his job. He opened a company producing vacuum cleaners.
To do this, he needed a fan motor and blades to create air flow… He attached a leather belt to a rotating carpet brush. So no one had a carpet as clean as he did. Then he got into trouble and sold his company to his cousin Susan Hoover and that’s how the Hoover company came out.

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