Fortunately, this lonely wonderful cat already has a family, a cozy home and a wonderful friend, a horse

This owner never expected horse and cat to be best friends, but it happened.

Jennifer has cats and horses. And they all live together like a big family. But the woman never thought that horses and cats would become best friends until Champy and Morris appeared.

Morris was a homeless cat until he was 9months old. All his life he wandered, he did not know what it means to have a home, family or friends. Later, when he was taken into the family, he was at first not sociable. A few days later, Morris met Champy.

Homeless cat Morris finds a home, family and best friend - horse Champy

At first, the cat was afraid of Champy. But the good horse continued to show his kindness and the best of intentions.

Homeless cat Morris finds a home, family and best friend - horse Champy

Morris and Champy are now inseparable friends. This incredible couple does absolutely everything with each other. They sleep together and go to the watering can.

Champy loves when a cat walks on its back. And most of the time they spend with each other.

Homeless cat Morris finds a home, family and best friend - horse Champy

Despite the fact that the cat was initially afraid of a huge animal, his new friend taught him that true friendship does not depend on size.

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