Funny bear really fell in love with bath procedures and spends every day with water games

The bear bathes in water and plays with a toy with pleasure.

Many people like to spend time in the bathroom at leisure, relaxing and enjoying peace. So why can’t a bear do the same?

The black bear also decided that he lives in the Oregon Zoo. When he was very small, he was found in the Montana mountains, and today it is an adult animal at the age of 10.

A video appeared on the Internet in which the bear cub bathed in water and plays with pleasure with a toy.

Naturally, for an animal weighing 200 kilograms, it was necessary to select a special bath.

However, the employees of the zoo did not regret at all that they spent time, but created comfort for Takota’s stay.

Interestingly, Takota lives with other bears who also like to spend time in the bath. However, he is always in a hurry to first accept his bath, because if this is not done, then he will have to wait for his turn to bathe for a very long time.

Some animals were lucky enough to live in such conditions. Such is one of these lucky ones.

We offer you to watch a video below in which an energetic bear enjoys bathing.

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