«Greasy hair and no lips!»: The new scandalous paparazzi photos of Jolie disappointed the fans

 «Greasy hair and no lips!»: The new scandalous paparazzi photos of Jolie disappointed the fans

The fans refused to believe that this is Angelina Jolie! 😱😧 Camera lenses captured an exclusive moment of the «Mr. and Mrs. Smith» star and surprised everyone! 🧐🤐

For a long time and even now, the unearthly beauty of Jolie captivates millions. Her unique charm and appeal can compare with nothing else. People hold the opinion that the world hasn’t known a woman more beautiful than her.

However, nothing lasts forever, so does the beauty. In the recent scandalous photos people hardly recognized the movie star. Her beauty seemed to have disappeared. Her lips looked strange and her hair was greasy.

It should be borne in our mind that stars who look perfect on the Red Carpet or at social gatherings don’t always look the same in everyday life and this actually makes sense. Some claimed that she lost her beauty and was not the same.

«This is what multiple diets have done to beautiful Angelina!», «I can now barely recognize the actress whom I always loved!», «The lips have left the chat!».

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