«Growth of this unique girl is 2 m 15 cm»: Gelgi Rumeisa is considered the highest woman in the world

She has a syndrome of Weaver, an illness that accounts for his height.

Rumeisa-the tallest woman lives in Turkey. However, this is a very rare symptom, directly related to this record.

Rumeisa Gelgi, height 2 m 15 cm. Her record is a tall woman around the world.

He has a user syndrome, an unusual disease, which, unfortunately, explains his growth.

The whole syndrome can be found very rarely. This causes fast-growing and special abnormalities in the development of the skull and skeleton.

It is noteworthy that for the first time, Gelgi was listed in the Guinness Book of Records in 2014. At that time, she was the record holder of the highest teenager in the world.

The Rumeisa mainly moves in a wheelchair but can walk with support.

«I like to be unique. I find it fascinating and feel unique. I can also easily reach the highest points and look at people down. Not so terrible»,-Rumeisa remarks.

The representative of the Guinness Book of Records expressed the honor to include the Turkish woman on the list for the second time.

Prior to this, Chinese Zeng Jinlian, whose growth was 2 m. 46 cm, can hold the title of the highest woman in the world. Next comes the Kosen 2 m 51 cm.

People sometimes reacted negatively, but she can ignore it.

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