Heartbreaking story: this poor cat has not left his owner’s grave for almost a year
The cat loves its owner so much that it refused to leave his grave for a year.
The animal was a kitten when it was adopted by a woman. There was a special bond between them.
Unfortunately, the cat’s owner died a year ago. Since then, the little kitten has never left his side.
When passersby grab his food, he refuses to leave the cemetery.
When he is hungry, the cat goes to his owner’s house, where the children of the Lord feed him.
The cat is not afraid to stay outside at night. Thus, cats can also be as loyal as dogs.
A particularly striking example of a loving cat.
Kelly Keningau Payitno tried to adopt a cat, but it just ran away.
The owner would have been proud that his cat was so devoted.
Let friends know that some cats are just as loyal as dogs.