Heartbreaking story: this woman has lost her parents and aunt, and on the verge of losing dog, a stranger helps her
She received love and warmth only from a compassionate and devoted dog.
Pets can mean the whole world to people. They are not just pets, but our relatives who share our joys and losses. However, not everyone can pay for expensive surgeries if their pet has health problems.
In this story, a woman named Teresa from Westminster, Colorado has been personally affected by the COVID-19 disaster. The virus claimed the lives of parents and aunt Teresa. She was devastated and heartbroken.
And in difficult times she was supported by the dog Chloe. She received love and warmth from a compassionate and devoted dog.
Teresa got into an even worse situation when she realized one day that her dog was not responding. After a visit to the veterinarian, it turned out that the dog had an autoimmune blood disease.
The good part of the story was that Chloe could be saved, but only after an expensive blood transfusion. Teresa was so upset when she realized she didn’t have $2,000 to pay her bills.
She could not believe that now she was losing her only relative – Chloe. She felt completely alone on the planet.
Soon a miracle happened. After sharing Chloe’s story online, Teresa was contacted by a complete stranger and offered to help her.
The cost of the blood transfusion and other expenses were covered by a person who wished to remain anonymous.
Thanks to a kind man, Teresa continues to live with her beloved dog. Now we need more of these people!