How interesting animals can be: this pika sang the Queen song and became famous
The man turned the pika into a new lead singer of the Queen.
There are some representatives of the animal world, which can definitely be called the most artistic and talented. We can prove it to you with one charming animal. And this is the pika.
These animals often make very interesting and funny sounds.
But one of them managed to become famous. All this with the help of a creative Internet user who decided that the video with the animal lacks an interesting musical accompaniment.
And he just turned Pica into the new singer for Queen.
To the video with the same pika, he simply added the Queen song “Ay Oh!” by the name.
The video turned out to be the most interesting and funny.
And for this reason, it can safely be called one of the best mood boosters.
Turn it on and have fun with us. Happy watching!