«How it is possible in reality»: amazing cases when people saw their doppelganger

Encountering a doppelganger can certainly be one of the surprises of life.

Have you ever met your doppelganger?

Life is full of surprises, and a meeting with your doppelganger, of course, can become one of them.

If you had such an experience, do not hesitate to share your impressions in the comments below.

In fact, there were many documented cases when people suddenly met their twins in different places.

Some even met their analogs in cartoons, magazines, or on labels of beer bottles!

It is always fun to see these coincidences captured in photographs and published on social networks.

One lucky man, for example, stumbled upon street art, which was strikingly similar to hers.

These meetings can be both creepy and entertaining, and they remind us of a fascinating variety of human appearances.

So keep your ear in the same way, and who knows, you can just stumble upon your twin somewhere unexpectedly!

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