“I want to share my life with her.” Reeves brought out the grey-haired bride
Keanu Reeves is rightly considered one of the most desirable and sought-after actors in Hollywood. Keanu, according to fans, could get any beauty colleague, however, gave his preference to a modest artist Alexandra Grant. Selected Keanu prefers natural aging and does not even paint grey hair.
By the way, fans of Reeves disliked Alexandra and believe that the woman is not the same as the famous actor. “Ordinary Dunyasha without gloss and charm”, “I do not understand why he chose this woman? She’s not attractive at all.” “Not attractive at all.”
“I see Reeves with another woman. They do not fit each other at all,” – wrote Internet users in the comments under the pictures of an unusual couple. Reeves stood up for the chosen one, who was gifted with another portion of barbs in the network: “I want to share the rest of my life with her.

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