«If Barbie had muscles!» One bodybuilder shared full-height photos and became an Internet star

 «If Barbie had muscles!» One bodybuilder shared full-height photos and became an Internet star

«What an angel!» is people’s first thought about her UNTIL she shows her body! 🧐🫢 Here is Julia who «woke up» famous after her full-length photos! 🤩⭐Her face is that of «Barbie», but her body shows another thing! 🤯🤨We bet none of you expect what you will see in this article! 👇

Today’s article is about Julia Vince, who has gained popularity and recognition due to her incredible transformation. Previously, she was an ordinary girl who dreamt of building muscles and gain attention among men. Now, even professional sportsmen’s hearts beat faster when they see her.

Interestingly enough, there is already someone who could win Julia’s heart and he is her personal fitness trainer. He can’t help admiring her fantastic body calling himself «lucky» to be dating her. However, opinions about Julia vary greatly on social media.

While some genuinely like her non-standard appearance, the others don’t miss any chance to judge the way she looks.

«Enough Internet for today!», «The world has turned upside down», «Why do so many men find her attractive? There is nothing feminine».

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