Kind story: this 9-year-old caring boy takes care of animals in his own way

 Kind story: this 9-year-old caring boy takes care of animals in his own way

A 9-year-old child from Russia decided to become a volunteer at a local shelter.

Only 45 pounds of oatmeal and the same amount of meat is often required to feed all the animals there.

And this teenage volunteer decided to help the animals.

The young man is talented in drawing and can sell his work to buy toys or a new phone.

Rather, the child trades his labor for food and medicine for the animals, which he then brings to the shelter.

The young man was deeply affected by the death of his pet cat, Barsik.

After that, he began to see homeless animals walking the streets. He wanted to help them somehow, to do something useful for them.

The youth was assisted by his mother, who helped him organize the effort.

According to the mother of the young artist, the young man found a way to help.

There were no money transactions; everything is sincere, truthful and from the heart. As a result, they only exchange artworks for the needs of the asylum.

In exchange for the painting, he receives veterinary drugs, dog food and meat, as well as anything else of value to the shelter.

Without government assistance, it is difficult to raise huge amounts of money, media support, offices, and masses of staff. The energy and talent of one loving person can be enough to find a way to change the world for the better.

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