
The kitten from the poor turns into a cute young

The kitten came into the foster family in serious condition. Emily, an animal rescuer and a volunteer, about a month ago she received a request from another rescuer to help premature and newborn kittens. Rescuers sheltered a poor cat for 7-8 months, and as it turned out, she was pregnant. «We think that she began […]Read More


«4 years old but already a hero»: the boy was

As a result of his heroic actions, he swept in a fire engine. A four-year-old boy from California became a hero when saved his sinking brother. As a result of his heroic actions, he was given the opportunity to ride a fire engine as a reward. In the early November Day, four-year-old Mason Ochoa spent […]Read More


«Here’s what lonely mothers can do»: the mother of four

She survived two heavy divorces and dealt with difficult partners. Kara Brukins-a commemoration woman who has survived a lot of difficulties in recent years. She survived two heavy divorces and dealt with difficult partners who caused her a lot of fear, despair and uncertainty. Kara remained relatives to educate her four children after severe trials. […]Read More


After 4 attempts, the dog was finally accepted by someone

The wheelchair and so adorable dog is so sweet, lovable and cute. After he was adopted and returned so many times, it seemed that Bandit could be a participant in the Gwinnett Jail Dogs program in Georgia until the end of his life. Nevertheless, his special needs require great attention and scare away many potential […]Read More