
This woman did not intend to take care of a

This woman never thought about cats, but Belarus became her love. The owner of Belarus-a cat made a difficult decision. This cat was taken to a shelter, the staff ere sure that he will have good owners. Seeing visitor, the cat got up with him on his feet and again and again looked into their […]Read More


It is impossible not to love these wonderful little cats,

This graceful predator, slightly larger than a cat, and it is amazing. This wild animal is charming to unearthly eyes.  And not often people really know him.  After all, the focus is usually on lions, tigers and leopards. But among cats there are no less amazing and beautiful animals that deserve no less interest. This […]Read More


Here is the daughter of a woman who gave birth

At the age of 66, this woman became pregnant and no doubt gave birth to her baby. The issue of 66-year-old Ilyaska was not discussed from the very beginning.  The child was to be born. And a girl was born.  At first, she did not understand what was wrong with her, why all the neighbors […]Read More


The tallest man in the world became a daddy. It’s

The height of a person depends on many factors, so even among nations who are generally short, there can be real giants.     We all know that the Chinese aren’t so tall compared to others, however, the tallest man in the world is from China!     Surprisingly, Bao Xishun had a normal height […]Read More


This poor, lonely and frozen cat kept banging on the

This small animal was knocking with a weakening paw asking for help. This strange sound of knocking on the window made the Quebec housewife draw back the curtain. Before her appeared the miserable appearance of a cat, barely caught by its paws. She took a picture of an animal through the glass to send it […]Read More


This blind dog left the shelter, but not alone, he

In the animal shelter once there was living a touching couple: blind dog and cat. In the Canadian animal shelter there was living a couple: Spike, an 8-year-old dog, and Max, a very ordinary cat. Spike was blind. And the cat voluntarily went to Spike’s guide. They appeared at the Grace Animal Rescue Society . […]Read More